Let’s define going “green”
To go green has about as many definitions as people have personalities! If the goal of establishing a green lifestyle is about being healthier, great! If it is more about respecting the delicate natural ecosystem, fantastic! If it is about reducing pollutants and getting the goop out of water supplies and the air, we are all really talking about the same thing. Whatever motivates each of us to arrive at the point of realization that we can and should seek products and services that serve the interest of our environment as well as ourselves is irrelevant! That we begin to understand this is just plain smart is what is relevant. So the universal definition may sound something like this: The Green Lifestyle is a mindset that encourages consumers to actively pursue manufacturers and distributors which provide earth-conscience goods in order that the general marketplace develops or redevelops goods in such a way that they are in harmony with the ecosystem from manufacture to disposal.